I am in San Diego visiting family for the week. It is so nice to get some time away from Missouri - I love the pace here and the ability to just enjoy the day-to-day without stress. My uncle and aunt (Ted and Molly) are like parents to me. Growing up my mom and I lived in the bottom level of their house so we had the opportunity to grow very close. As far back as I can remember they were the voices at the top of the stairs. I would just call up the stairs "Molly! Ted!" and they would be there.
It was in early high school that mom and I moved out of the house and bought our own place. It was a strange transition to have them across town rather than at the top of the stairs. I remember really missing the accessibility and comfort that came with being able to see them every day. Now several years have passed and they are half a nation away. I try to make the trip out to see them whenever possible - usually once or twice a year. This house has become like home for me now, a place to rest, a place to REALLY relax and find inner peace. The best part? I am once again under the same roof with two of the most important people in my life. It just feels right.
Oh yeah, I have also inherited three very special sisters. Some of them more reluctant to share their space (ahem, Leah) than others. You may remember them from posts made last summer. They all have such very unique personalities! Tonight while Ted, Molly, and I were sitting and watching TV "the girls" were napping around us. It was like one big happy family.

This is Sarah - by far the most dainty of the three. She isn't quite sure what to do with me but she tolerates my presence and even allows me to pet her on occasion.

This is Leah. She does not like me at all. I try not to take it personally, apparently she doesn't really like anyone new. I suppose when you get to a certain age, making new friends seems silly. I think she is content. No one who isn't content can sleep that peacefully.
This is Hannah. We share a very special bond. She actually climbs into my lap and shows me endless affection. I learned tonight that she is camera shy though!

As soon as I took out the camera and shot her picture she turned and pressed her face against the arm of the couch. She is a private character. No paparazzi for her!
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