Friday, May 21, 2010

Friday = Fun Day

Today I woke up early and drove to Jefferson City, MO to take my mom to Columbia, MO for a doctor's appointment. The appointment went well and she and I had a good drive up and back together. In Columbia we had lunch at Hy-Vee - they have a GREAT salad bar. It was fun to pick out toppings and eat off of one another's plates :). When we were sufficiently stuffed we rolled ourselves back to the car.

At home we both went into slight food comas and decided a nice relaxing afternoon was in order. While she napped, I did some work. But it was very nice to do work in the company of my two favorite gals in the world - mom and Riley, her puppy dog. Early evening she and I made a trip to Target for this season's sunscreen and other needed items.

It may sound somewhat uneventful, but it was a really fun day - it is nice to have a fun time with mom and to enjoy/appreciate the small things. Here are a few things I captured photos of while enjoying the day.
This man had a love for MJ that even I couldn't match. He was decked head-to-toe in Jordan gear and he was rocking it proudly.
You have to love my mom's sense of humor. I saw this card above the sink in the kitchen. All day long when we were going somewhere she would ask if I was taking her to "funky town." I literally laughed out loud every time. It never gets old.
Today was graduation for Jefferson City High School. It was a beautiful night and the YMCA is right next to the stadium. I found out later they were graduating 610 seniors. Fewer than the number I graduated with, but still a long wait for the parents, students and fans. I can't believe it has been 9 years since I celebrated my high school graduation. It really flies by. It is hard to see the graduation going on in this picture, but it was a moment I had to catch. I must admit that I sat for awhile and listened from the hill to the sound of names and cheers. I guess the cheesy t-shirts we wore in high school weren't that far off "Jay Pride is Forever." :)

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