Sometimes it takes the loss of someone to realize the close bonds that you have with the people who are still living. I feel lucky to have people in my life that I feel vulnerable enough to cry for.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Hip Hop for Health

I can't wait until next year!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
The good with the bad.
The bad:
But there are moments, though fleeting, when I am back there on the court in a conference game, fourth quarter, and we are getting ready to take the game. It feels like yesterday and I remember why I love this game so very, very much.
Ahhh.... mornings
(This video is one that someone made up for this song.... I heart it...)
Ok, so I don't always feel so great about mornings but this morning was just grand. Why? Because I decided it would be. The weather is BEAUTIFUL. Just at the edge of Fall, every morning is crisp and the trees are starting to turn colors. It is just chilly enough to put on a colorful cardigan and a scarf (which I own far too many of). As I began my trek through Forest Park this morning I put in my earphones and clicked on my Pandora quickmix. Ingrid serenaded me with "Far Away" much like she is for you right now. When this song is on I can't help but smile. She was followed by Joshua Radin (Closer) and the Eagles (Hotel California.... classic).
Two things I noticed on my walk today:
1.) Music while walking to work puts an unstoppable spring in my step
2.) Ok, so the spring is more like a half-dance half-walk... and people definitely stare as I do this "dance" through the park and across the crosswalk on Kingshighway.
My work day has begun. On my mind today are IPC exams, survey tools, and manuscripts.
Tonight I get trained to be a mentor for Discovering Options which is an after school program that empowers at-risk children from St. Louis City. Soon I will be receiving a 4th or 5th grade mentee who I will get to spend time with every week. I am excited for the opportunity to make a new friend and I hope that my mentee and I will get to explore parts of St. Louis that I have never seen before. More than anything, I am excited to have time each week to do kid things :). I suspect that I will learn as much (if not more) from my mentee as he/she will from me.
Happy Wednesday!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Think Different, Apple 2007 Campaign
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Why I love my coworkers
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Life is good.
The balloon glow was a ton of fun. We were there with some coworkers and their children and it was great to play with them and enjoy the event from a child's perspective. Probably the best part was playing with the light sabers that they bought from a passing vendor. The toys they have these days are so cool. Here are some photos from the night.
We then went into preparation mode for the barbeque/reception that was taking place on Sunday. This involved some serious cheese grating, baking pan shopping, cowbell decorating, and just plain strategizing. It was really nice to get so much time with my family and to be part of this big celebration for Graham and his new wife Vanessa. The next day (Sunday) the reception started at noon and we came with green bean casserole in tow. All of the prep by the family definitely paid off, the reception was absolutely beautiful and a great celebration of Graham and Vanessa's love.

Nancy and I on the way to the reception.

The reception site

I have a fever...

Food prep in action.
The amazing wedding cake. The sister of the bride made it. The rocks are made of chocolate - YUMMO!
The grooms cake. Go Redskins.


Nancy preparing to sing the song that she wrote for Graham and Vanessa

Singing to the happy couple and the rest of the reception guests
All in all it was a great weekend. It wouldn't have been complete though without seeing one of my fave DC residents...
Thankfully, he and Michelle were waiting at the airport to give me a grand send-off. It was really nice of them to get so dressed up (though quite unnecessary).
Metrolink observations. Priceless.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Ode to Peanut Butter and Jelly
Apparently there is a viral video on YouTube that expresses my sentiments exactly:
Peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat... couldn't have said it better myself.
You know your YouTube video has made it big when Family Guy does a parody of it:
PB&J for life.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Sunday fun-day with the hammocks

After the game I decided to take a jog around the park and I was quickly reminded why I need to visit here more often.

Whenever I hear kids laugh and see them play it reminds me of carefree times. I love belly laughs, it seems like as adults we don't laugh like that enough. I promise myself that I will always laugh hard, play hard, and run through the occasional park fountain. It is good for the soul.
Friday, September 11, 2009
An affair to remember...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Road rage.
Enter scenario.
Wouldn't it be great if I stopped in front of the car and just stood there staring at the driver... silent... staging a mini sit-in right in the middle of the road, my own Tiananmen Square if you will. However, with my rage I think it is more likely that I would slam my hands on the hood and said HEY, I'M WALKING HERE! Like some crazy New Yorker in the movies who always walks out into a sea of moving taxi cabs. Or even better yet, I think that I would much rather continue walking across the crosswalk, in a straight path, as if the car is not even there. Maybe someday I will just step up on the car's tire, walk over the car's hood, and jump down as I cross the street. This would be even cooler if I could do it while riding a bike (which also get no respect... but that is a completely different blog post). My only fear is the encounter that I might have with the angry driver whose car I tread on. St. Louis is the second (at times the first) most dangerous city in the country. I have a pretty good idea who would win in that battle. Until I figure out a way to win in a face-off between myself and a car, I will continue to give oblivious drivers the most horrendous stink eye I can muster up as I cross Kingshighway in front of their shiny bumpers as they blare their music and look for the next opportunity to continue down the road that they refuse to share. Someday Mr. Car.... someday.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Laura Secord Chocolates
She used to challenge me to make baskets around the arch. It started out as making it at all five spots in a row (the baseline, the corner jumpers and the free-throw line). I was playing for a box of Laura Secord chocolates. I guess that was how she got good at playing when she was young, she challenged herself with the reward of chocolate. I guess I came about my chocolate addiction honestly :).
It was a funny thing this motivation she provided me... it seemed that everytime I overcame the challenge she posed for me she would up the ante. It was five baskets until I could make all five, then it was two times around, then three. Needless to say I never got a box of Laura Secord chocolates. I did learn a unique lesson though... never quit challenging yourself. Set achievable goals, accomplish them, and then set more. Like in a race, try to beat the runner directly in front of you.
Today I listened to Obama's speech to the students of America and it felt like a throw back to the lesson my Nana was instilling in me. Push yourself, don't quit challenging yourself, success is hard and failure is common. Fate doesn't plop success into your lap, successful people WORK for their success. I feel proud to be in a country where our President holds us accountable for our own success and our own achievements. It makes me think of a quote from my second favorite president of all time:
"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."
Teddy Roosevelt
"Citizenship in a Republic,"Speech at the Sorbonne, Paris, April 23, 1910